Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Home sweet Home

Who picked the music? Have a guess... It reflects the mood. Big house. Empty house. Pamiri house. Wonderful. Glu glu in the garden. Carrots and cucumbers as well. We love it and it's almost a shame that we are just taking it for one month...

Our Tajik time is slowly coming to an end. We've booked our flights to Nice (Aug 25th) and Munich (Sept. 1st). Iluka must be landing in Paris as we speak. He'll spend a fantastic summer with his grandparents in South of France, while his parents weep (and sleep ;-)).

Iluka (while walking towards the small plane taking him, Isabelle & Dominique from Khorog to Dushanbe): "Iluka geht mit Baba und Babi ins Fluuuuuugzeug! Mama Papa arbeiten. Bye Bye Mama Papa."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey i want to hang out with you in Tajcheekistan too, and written a blog that make me sound exciting.

I have to say writing on this blog is so much easier than the Paley internationalist photographer website that expects me to write in japanese.

look forward to the next clip from Khorong - Will