Thursday, July 2, 2009

That Litte Nook

This one goes out to all parents. To those that travel with their kids, to those that would and to those that should. Also to those that wonder...

During our recent second outing into the Pamir mountains - this time to Bartang Valley I suddenly realized something quite essential when it comes to the question whether it's possible to 'travel with your child': The question is not whether the child can handle it - the question is whether the parents can handle it. And I don't mean handling the kid, no, I mean handling the traveling itself and, more importantly, the mode of travel.

I pondered over all this as I was squeezed between two (very caring and sweet) truck drivers - shift stick between my knees, holding sleeping Iluka with one arm, gripping the dashboard handle with the other - in the front of a big Russian 'Gaz', bobbing up and down some treacherous mountain road. Despite the discomfort I was truly enjoying the ride, knowing that I had one of the best seats in the house. Matthieu was standing in the blazing sun on the rusty, empty back of the truck together with some fellow hitch hikers, hopefully employing his best Pilates posture in order not to break his back over the next unexpected bump in the road.

We had started our trip in a public mashrudka from Khorog and at the end of the 6-hr ride our driver insisted we stay with him in his village Basid. We had a lovely time with him and his family and so did the fleas, who enjoyed an unexpected sumptious meal, feasting of me and Iluka (yet not of Matthieu, who suggested that I maybe just imagined the bites - hairy French bastard!).

The next day we opted for a little day-hike up the valley to a small hamlock situated in a lush green 'jungle', an unexpected oasis in a desert of rock and stone. The fact that the hike took 4 hrs instead of 1 as suggested by the villagers didn't surprise us much - but I do have to admit that I was happy that we had left out tent and gear down in Basid and Matthieu carried Iluka almost all the way in his little backpack.

And on we walked the next day - no plan, no goal, just down the road, deeper into Bartang Valley. Fetch some water from the spring... oh, I hear a car. Shall we? Let's...

Back to the cockpit of the old 'Gaz'. And here I am, thinking: We are doing exactly what we've always done when we travel. We have not changed. It just happens automatically. Only difference is that now we are three instead of two. The realization was so clear, so wonderful and so comforting...

So what am I trying to say? We can travel like this, in these places, live in these countries even with a child, because we want it and because we love it. And whether you like to spend your holidays on a cruise ship, lazing at the beach, rock climbing or ski touring - if you have a child/when you'll have a child, just continue doing it - the kid will fall right into its little nook in the middle.

1 comment:

forbiddencolors said...

So true. Turns out Milan loves to climb up rocky passages. And already for every 15 meters he wants to be carried, he's willing to walk the next 85-200 meters on his own.